Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I <3 Marina and the Diamonds....

I have been obsessed with Marina and the Diamonds for the past few months. Unfortunately her debut album is being released in the UK next month and there is no word on when it will be available here. Thankfully there are lots of youtube videos to watch! :)


Crystallynn said...

Unique?! I read her blog, the one why she's infatuated with America...she's so dead on with us! Makes me not like us Americans. Oh, can't remember the video (I am not a robot??), but I LOVED her red sparkly lips! I want to do that:)

Meg said...

Yeah, she is pretty amazing. I have about 8 of her songs if you want me to burn you a cd and send it out to you. I have an entire box of crap I STILL haven't sent. It's my goal for this weekend. :)

Oh, and yeah that part of the video is amazing...I &hearts it. Gia wanted me to post that video instead of the one I posted. :)