Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh Deer! shoes 70% off at

I am a sucker for a cute pair of shoes. I have coveted Oh Deer! shoes for a few years now. Quite honestly, I am cheap. I refuse to part with more than $30 for a pair of shoes. Luckily for me, being cheap means I can get great deals on adorable shoes because I wait until they are on clearance. I love these shoes (and the Marilyn, Garbo, and Katherine style). Truthfully, if I had an extra couple hundred dollars just laying around I would probably order all of them.

(Photo from

Dorothy by Oh Deer! Now: $18.74, go see for yourself by clicking!

Oh Deer! shoes feel half a size SMALLER than the size they are, so order your pair half a size BIGGER than you would normally wear. :)