Meg made a post earlier today on how to better shrink your waistline...I'm about to blow that right out of the water. I apologize in advance.
Really. I'm sorry. First of all I love to cook. I love browsing recipe sites, I love trying new things, I love hosting dinner parties and sharing good food with good friends. Luckily I have a few healthy options in my arsenal, but today...well, I'm not sharing any of those today. Today is about cheese...and cream...and cheese...and butter...and pasta...and did I mention cheese? Today is about Fettucini Alfredo. Fettucini Alfredo that's
So Good it would make Olive Garden wanna curl up it's little fist and punch me right in the face.
Here's the thing though, girls...we're into Retro here. Vintage. Back in the day if you wanted something delicious, you tied on your apron and you made it yourself! So that's what we're gonna do. Right now. You ready?

Here's what we're working with:
1 cup heavy whipping cream1 clove of garlic, crushed1/4 cup real sweet cream, salted butter1 1/2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese (please just this once skip the pre-shredded stuff, k? K.)
Fettuccine - if you're extra ambitious you can make your own pasta...I'm not quite
that vintage. Yet.
Whatever kind of meat or veggie floats your boat. I'm using Sausage tonight, but chicken, salmon, or even spinach is divine.
To begin, throw a pot of water on the stove...bring the water to a boil & cook the pasts according to package directions. Sometimes I salt my pasta water, this time I didn't because we're using salted butter.

Next, Grab that block of Parmesan cheese and grate, grate, grate. Make sure you get at least the full 1.5 cups, plus I like a little extra to sprinkle on top of the finished dish. Use the little bitty grater to make it easier to melt the cheese in the sauce.

There ya go.

Ok...moving right along. Begin cooking whatever type of meat you're using. Throw the sausage, chicken, or fish into a skillet. Obviously this step can easily be left out...again, this dish is all about you.

Ok, now we've got all the frivolous stuff outta the way...time to dive right into the sauce. The big thing here is
patience. It should easily take 15 minutes or more to incorporate and mix in everything. Should be about 5 minutes with the cream and butter part, and at least 10 or more adding a little cheese at a time. You absolutely can not toss it all in a pan and step away. That's why we got the noodles and meat out of the way first - this sauce needs all of our attention.

Throw in your 1/4 cup of butter. Keep the burner on LOW...we just want a nice slow melt, not a quick sizzle....Once the butter is melted, slowly pour in the 1 cup of heavy cream, whisking constantly. Whisk nice and slow and let the butter and cream melt together for about 5 minutes. It's very important to keep the heat low when you're working with cream...we want it creamy and warm, not hot and curdled.

Ok, so it's been gently warming for about five minutes...time for the garlic (just toss in the full crushed/diced clove) and some of that freshly grated Parmesan cheese - again, slow and steady wins the race...add a little cheese at a time, whisking until melted before adding more. It's very easy to get impatient and dump it all in - know what'll happen? The cheese and butter will
not get along. In fact, they will not get along
so much that there will be a separation. A Separation! Right in the pan! So let's take this slow....I think there may be a lesson in this dish somewhere...

Beautiful! Next add a little bit of freshly ground pepper, and we're ready to assemble...

Look at this!!! Amazing! Try this dish will thank me for it.